Thursday, November 10, 2011

The Myth of Handicaps


The odds are ASTRONOMICAL for a player to shoot a net number of under 68 much less shooting a 62. The worse case I have personally seen was a 22 handicap player shooting 78 from the blue tees at Spyglass Hill in Pebble Beach.  That is a net 56!  The following day the same person shot a 78 from the blue tees at Pebble.  Again another 56.  The tournament cordinator and I called the players home club to verify his handicap.  I asked the Head Professional, "we have a player up here shooting the lights out at Pebble."  The Head Pro asked if his player "ABC" was playing.  HE ACTUALLY CALLED THE RIGHT GUY'S NAME!  Unbelievable. 

These types of scores makes a golf professional like myself shake his head in disgust...  But I guess garbage in and garbage out.

The handicap system is a much used but little understood process to establish a level playing field for golf.  In no other sport can you establish a game in which you, as an average player, can play against anyone who established a handicap, including the best PGA Tour players, and have an enjoyable competitive game.

Establishing a USGA Handicap takes into account your top 10 of 20 scores as they relate to the course rating and slope.  Because the handicap takes into account the top 10 scores it is a measure of the POTENTIAL of the player.  Not the average. 

Odds are that a player will shoot somewhere around their handicap but generally slightly higher.  In my opinion a good net number will roughly be 73 or 74.  As a professional I see that as a number in which the player has a accurate handicap and shot about their average.

If you are establishing your handicap or using one for tournaments:
 a) Play by the rules
 b) Putt everything out
 c) Play the ball down

If you have any questions or comments do not hesitate to contact me via email:
Your friend in golf.
John Grothe, PGA

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