Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Working Out for Juniors

Workouts for juniors comes up quite often.  My advice for any parent who is looking to begin their child on a workout routine is to... TAKE A STEP BACK.  Generally, kids are growing quickly and muscles, bones and joints are not able to handle what an adult would think of as a typical "workout."  Additionally, if you think your child is not getting enough of a workout I challenge you to follow them through the entire day and do exactly what they do.  My bet is that you will be exhausted by noon...

Yet, parents want to help their kids with certain skills to begin a healthy practice of focusing on your body and your health.  My main advice is to let them play!  Get them outside throwing, kicking and catching a ball.  Have them balance on a sidewalk crack.  Have them play tag.  Have them do everything we did as kids! 

Here some other specific tasks or exercises that we do with our juniors as warm ups.... Overall do not injure the child by giving them too much weight or too repetitive of a routine.  When in doubt seek a physical therapist for more information.

Under 6 years old - concentrate on game and social interaction.  Core strength and balance is a good focus.
1) Crab walks - hips as high as possible
2) Cross jumps hips one way - shoulders other way
3) Single leg stars - touch all 5 points to star
4) Bob and weave under a rope
5) Tip the spider

7-12 years old - concentrate on form more than weight!
1) Olympic lifting without hurting yourself!
2) High pull with medicine ball
3) Hop with a drop with medicine ball
4) Hop with a hold with medicine ball
5) Hop with a toss with medicine ball
6) Spirits
7) Figure 4 cycle - ignite muscle. Run on one leg
8) Busting. Swing arms as fast as possible.  15-20

11-14 year old - concentrate on growth spurts and coordination
1) Summersault with a basketball catch
2) Coordination drills!
3) Jumping - plyobox - side and side 180 with rotation
4) Flexibility walking hamstring stretch.
5) Leg kicks
6) Alligator crawl

High school age - strength conditioning
1) Dead lifts
2) Snatch
3) Push and pull strengths
4) Push up matrix
  Standard, dive bombers, wide side to side, one leg up

A great resource for this an a lot more with regards to physical conditioning visit www.MyTPI.com.

If you have any questions or comments please do not hesistate to contact me at john.grothe@gmail.com

Your friend in golf,
John Grothe, PGA

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