Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Healthy Choices - First Step (week 1 of 10)

Welcome to the first of 10 articles aimed at getting your game ready to play your best.  This week we discuss getting healthier.  This topic could be viewed as the hardest of the ten topics but IT IS ACTUALLY THE EASIEST and even the most important!

The Perfect Example
Bob was 72 years old and needed help with his game.  The transformation that happened with Bob was as eye opening for me as it was beneficial for him.   Bob was paying me $50 a lesson in order to beat his playing partners out of a $0.25 bet!! While his ROI was not very good the effect we saw was nothing more than astounding.

Bob was a classic older player and played once a week.  He was losing yards on his drives, he got tired on the 12th hole and he was sore after his round. He was slowly leaving the game.

We started by trying to increase Bob's distance through better technique and better efficiency.  Pretty quickly Bob gained 10 yards and he was HOOKED with improving his performance! 

I recommended Bob begin to walk more when he played.  He started by walking his second shot into the green.  He then walked to his ball on some of his shorter drives.  Bob found that he enjoyed walking and began walking on the beach with his wife 2-3 times a week.  Bob decided to take her out for 9 holes in the evening when it was warm.

Soon enough Bob was playing not just once a week but twice!  Again, he saw his distance improve by another 10 yards.  He began to take money from his playing partners.  Again he was HOOKED! This story ends with the results that Bob is still playing twice a week. Walks 9 of the holes. He plays with his wife and... he found out that he "actually likes HER!"

The lesson we can learn from Bob is that healthy choices can start slowly and build up over time!

Start slowly
The first step to better golf is, without a doubt, making better and healthier choices for your body.  I know the last thing anyone wants to hear or talk about is starting a fitness routine or joining a gym!  You can make significant impact to your golf game with just small, yet permanent, changes to your lifestyle.  Here are some great ideas to start...

1) Walk more during your rounds - build up to 9 holes walking without a cart.
2) Take the stairs and not the elevator.
3) Get more sleep - you'll live longer!
4) Reduce your stress by working out.
5) Stretch before, during and after your round.

For more information on simple healthy lifestyle choices check out Humana Insurance wellness tips.

Before you roll your eyes realize that I am not asking to change your diet over night.  Massive changes do not work in the long run.  My recommendation with your diet are as follows:
1) Small portions - Unlike what your mother says you are not required to finish everything on your plate!  Generally everything is o.k. but moderation is the key.
2) The beginning of a good diet begins at the store.  DO NOT BUY the nasty foods.  Get fruit and veggies to snack on!  You will also notice that healthier foods cost less.  If you have poor food choice at home throw them out tonight.
3) When playing golf:
  • Drink water!
  • Pack some trail mix for energy - not those sugar energy drinks!
  • Alcohol tends to dehydrate you.  If you drink do so in moderation and consume water at the same time.
  • Have a sandwich at the turn - not a hot dog!

Working Out
Ultimately my goal is you begin a directed routine of physical fitness for your golf game.  But we don't need to jump straight into p90x to do so!  First, let's make sure we have made small but permanent changes to your lifestyle.  Then let's get working out!  Here are some steps to look into for your fitness routine.

1) Stretching and injury prevention is our first goal.  Not necessarily to hit the ball further.
2) Remember golf is an explosive endurance sport.  In the game we make over 50 explosive movements over a 4 hour period.  That has unique properties we have to address.
3) A current fitness routine can become a "golf fitness routine" by simply making a normal exercise more like the golf swing or introducing a balance element in the routine.  Such as:
  • Arm curls while in a golf posture.
  • Arm curls while in standing on one foot.
The critical aspect here is to make small yet significant improvement to your lifestyle to be healthier. Taking on too much in these areas can be overwhelming and therefore can become temporary.  But step by step we can make positive changes and the results will allow you to become excited about making the next change.

If there is any questions you have regarding making healthier choices please do not hesitate to contact me.
Your friend in golf...
John Grothe

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