Wednesday, August 1, 2012

The Power of Visualization

I was fortunate to observe a wonderful example of how visualization can be the most powerful skill in your golf game. Visualization is the skill to make a bad swing into a passable golf shot.  And maybe take a a good swing to a great result.

I was giving a lesson to a top level junior who was struggling with her swing.  Technically she was doing well but the results were not matching her, nor my, expectations.  She was 16, attending a high level private academy and was looking to do well in the upcoming Oregon State 6A champions.

On the 4th hole of Portland Golf Club, a 125 yard par 3, we decided to set up shop and work on her visualization.  I asked her to visualize her shot to the finite detail.

"I see a slight cut to the right..." she said.
"How much of a cut?" I asked
"2-3 yards" she responded.
"2 or 3 yards or 2 or 3 feet...?" I asked as I was looking for more detail.
"3 feet."

I had her practice swing over and over and over until she felt that swing type.
"Was that the swing?" I asked.
"Nope" she answered.
"Do it again." I directed.

I continued to ask for more detail...
"How many bounces?"I ask
"2 bounces." she says.
"And then?" I ask
"It goes in the hole."

"Was that the swing?"
"Not yet."
"Do it again."

For 20 minutes we sat on the 4th tee making practice swings... And more practice swings.

"Do you see it?"
"Do you feel it?"
"Hit it!"

She then steps in to the shot.  She visualizes the shot one last time.  And makes a nice swing.  Not a great swing but a nice one - the best of the day.  The ball is struck well and begins to lift slightly to the left.  As it continues toward the green the ball begins to cut towards the hole.

She holds her finish well.  Her weight is fully into her left side.  She has committed to her swing.  She has swung heroically at her conservative target.  As the ball continues it's gentle curve towards the hole I take notice that it is going to be a petty good shot.

The ball lands to the left of the flag.  It hops softly to the right.  Takes 3 bounces.  And settles into the bottom of the hole.  YES!  A hole in one.  Her first!!!

We are both shocked.  She looks at me and says, "now what do I do?!"  We jumped up and down in excitement.

Now, here is the true beauty and magic of this experience... The next day I saw her she asks, "did that really happen? Or did I just imagine it?"

She was so entranced in the moment...  She was so absolutely committed in her visualization...  She saw it over and over and over in her mind.... That when it ACTUALLY happened she could not distinguish between REALITY and her IMAGINATION...

What a beautiful moment...  And I was fortunate to be there.

If you have any questions or comments please do not hesitate to contact me.
Your friend in golf...
John Grothe, PGA