So how do you instill tempo and timing when a player doesn't have any? Here are a couple drills that I have found to help with just that:
With lofted club tee up a ball slightly higher off the ground. Grip the club naturally with both hands. Remove one hand (either one) from the club and swing. Yes, swing! It will feel very awkward at first. Take a couple of extra practice swings but try to clip the tee. Rotate from each hard back and forth. Take 5 swings with each hand and then place both hands on the club and attempt to match the tempo and timing it took to squarely hit a one arm swing.
Camron demonstrating the one arm drills with his left arm. This can also be done with just the right hand.
While practicing and even while during a casual round listen to music. Nothing too fast and nothing too slow. I prefer such songs as Eric Clapton's "You Look Wonderful Tonight." Listening to a slower song will allow for the shoulder muscles, forearm muscles and hand muscles to relax. Feel the tempo as you swing.
As you make these swings rotate in a full swing or two attempting to have the good tempo soak in.
If you have any questions or comments please do not hesitate to contact me at
Your friend in golf...
John Grothe, PGA